Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Traffic of Your Twitter: A Graphic Sexual Haiku: By Stream of Consciousness Eddie

The Traffic of Your Twitter: A Graphic Sexual Haiku: By Stream of Consciousness Eddie

The sun shines - when I Google your Twitter.
The sun shines - when you Yahoo my web log.
It is storming - when I ping all over your Twitter.
I have an umbrella - to shield you from the storm.

A cloud disappears - when I Google your Twitter
But - alas - your Twitter has too much traffic.

*Okay, so maybe that doesn't technically classify as a Haiku but that bitch broke my heart, man. She had an amazing Twitter. Ladies, don't go off getting a bunch of traffic with your Twitter. It's not right when you've got a steady guy who's crazy about Googling your Twitter and you clearly enjoy Yahooing his web log until he Pings like a mutha. Anyway, I think I've made my point and done it in a classy, artsy-fartsy, high brow type of manner at that.


blaine_fridley said...

you have obviously taken the high-road with said twitter slut.

clap.........clap......clap...clapclap...clapclapclapclapclapTHUNDEROUS APPLAUSE

mantiz said...

that one was classic! f**kin classic! :D
keep writin, i'll be readin.

JD and Lucy said...

Sinful. I'm having this whole blog shut down for describing a cyber-moneyshot.